Charlotte Malterre-Barthes

Malterre-Barthes is an architect, urban designer, and contemporary scholar who graduated magna cum laude from ENSA-Marseille with ‘a Women’s Social Centre in Baghdad’, tackling politico-social commitments of architecture, after interning at Coop Himmelb(l)au. Principal of the urban design practice OMNIBUS, she collaborated with Balkrishna Doshi and Rudy Ricciotti, among others. She directs the MAS Urban Design at the Chair of Marc Angélil since 2014, and holds a PhD from ETHZ on ‘Food Territories’ and the effects of the political economy of food on the built environment, with a focus on Egypt. She co-authored with Marc Angélil ‘Housing Cairo: The Informal Response and Cairo Desert Cities’ (Berlin, Ruby Press), and is a founding member of the Parity Group, a grassroots association committed to improving gender equality in architecture.

Malterre-Barthes, took part in the panel “New Economies, New Landscapes” during symposium.