Secretary is an architecture office that was founded in Stockholm in 2017 by architects Karin Matz, Rutger Sjögrim, and planner and architectural theorist Dr Helen Runting. Secretary studies and designs housing, public environments, interiors, and facilities, with the aim of giving form to the late Welfare State in the 21st century. Karin, Rutger, and Helen also teach a Masters-level studio together at the KTH School of Architecture, take part in Masters-level juries abroad, and have worked with a number of publications (amongst others, Helen is editor of the Swedish planning journal PLAN and the anthology Architecture and Feminisms, and a contributor to Architecture and Culture and The Real Review; and Karin has published work in Arkitektur, FRAME, Casa Vogue, domus, Baumeister, Corriere della Sera, and Abitare). In 2018, Secretary were awarded both Riksbyggen Jubileumsfond’s research grant Den Goda Staden for the project “Shrinkage” and the Folkhem Prize in the Swedish Young Designer of the Year awards, and have been exhibited as a result in Stockholm, Malmö, and Tokyo.