Levan Kalandarishvili is an architect with more than 35 years of working experience in the civil and private sector. Kaladnarishvili has engaged in practical architectural work at the state-run design institutions “Kultproeqti” and “Tbilkalaqproeqti”, and has worked in contract administration and supervision in large value infrastructure projects financed by international financial institutions. After a long and successful career in international projects, Kalandarishvili has concentrated his interests on heritage issues and civil activities, working in well- known Georgian architectural preservation organizations such as Tiflis Hamqari and DOCOMOMO – Georgia. He recently published an article on “Modernism in Georgian Architecture” and a brochure, “the Industrial Heritage of Georgia, the Chiatura-Zestafoni-Poti Industrial Circuit“ (with Nano Zazanashvili). He recently won an architectural competition from the Tbilisi Development Fund for the design of a multi-functional building adopted to the historic environment of old Tbilisi.